Őrség - Illóolaj Lepárló Műhely - Kiss Norbert
I have visited Norbi the artisan distiller in the Őrség a few times before and knew his eccentric personality and unusual hydrosols. But it is only now, for the Treasure Gardens Serum that I started using these exquisite creations. For him the small distillery is like a shrine absolutely dedicated to the magic/alchemy of distillation.

He is got two copper distillers that he is using not only to distil his own plants from his garden but he also wild harvests plants, so he can offer a wide and unique array of hydrosols that you cannot find anywhere else.
We arrived to Norbi on one of the hottest day of this summer. I love these road trips as they not only led us to these wonderful growers but also let us visit and discover parts of the country that we don’t know that much. Little, winding roads of the Őrség are full of surprises leading to great conversations too.

Norbi’s little distillery is housed in a typical village outbuilding with all its unique charm and imperfections adding to the mystery. It was great to be invited into the alchemist’s distillery/cave and dive into conversations about how the magic happens, the plants and of course, the scent and benefits of these lovely hydrosols. We also get to discover the garden filled with mint, lavender, clary sage, immortelle, Russian sage, roses and many more.

You can find Norbi's creations in the following Mar Galliti product: