
It was in 2020 that I found the lovely couple, Eta & Laci, and their rose garden just a few kilometres from my studio, at Szentgáloskér. It is a tiny village in the beautiful Outer-Somogy where on the gentle slope of granny’s garden they planted their 400 damask roses. They have had a love for roses for a while and especially Laci enjoys tinkering with them.

They were kind enough to give me some of their fragrant damask rose petals and in the same year the first batch of Limited Edition Ambosia Honey Mask with the most beautiful local damask rose petals was born.
With time and all the change in the world, their rose garden was changing too and I was only able to get more of those magical petals last autumn (2022), so the Limited Edition Ambosia Honey Mask can live on. Moreover, I have plans to use their damask rose petals in more of my creations.

We visited their rose garden, Rózsasziget (Rose Island) on a sunny June day when all the roses where in their peak, blooming abundantly, they graced us with their scent and beauty, painting granny’s garden and the surrounding landscape with their happy deep pink colour and honey sweet scent. Eta showed us around the roses, talking about how they pick them and use them in their own products. It is the most idyllic setting you could imagine. Peaceful, tranquil, homey, as the cats were lying next to pots of geraniums, and the chicken clucking and scratching next to the orchard.

I hope with these stories and faces added to you beloved Mar Galliti creation, it can transport you to this beautiful rose garden with every application.
You can find Damask rose from Rózsasziget in these Mar Galliti products: