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Mar Galliti skin care & botanicals

Skin-Food: Mint in your food & in your skincare

First of all, let me tell you about this new topic I will write and share about in my newsletters and here on the blog, Skin-Food. It started with my original desire that for me Mar Galliti is a lifestyle brand and that my focus with my creations are health & happiness, as you might know from our moto ('Created to make your skin healthier and your soul happier.'). Add to this my love of nature, the outdoors and gardening and you get a holistic package. Plus for me getting you closer to plants, seeing them, smelling them, tasting them, understanding them & taking care of them better is kind of a mission. Because with that you are also taking care of yourself. It is a beautiful cycle. :-)

So, in Skin-Food I will share plants and plant molecules that you can find both in wholefood meals (preferably local & seasonal and maybe some of it is from your own garden) and in your natural artisan skincare, as well as why they are good for us. And I am going to share some of my favourite recipes too.

To ease into this topic I choose mint. This well-known and loved little herb can grow even in a tiny windowstill while showcasing a wide variety of flavours, for exmaple, I have peppermint, strawberry mint and bergamot mint in pots in my garden. Mint grows all around the world and quite invasive and easily cross between the different varieties, so that's why I like to keep mine in pots. One of the best know is Peppermint, that is the beautiful marriage of water mint and spearmint. And peppermint is the one I use in the Mineral Tonic Body Lotion. The local, artisan peppermint hydrosol is a refreshing addition to this light but deeply nourishing body lotion.

peppermint in skincare

Mint in skincare:

Peppermint contains a concentration of flavonoid, triterpeness, and phenol acids, which helps cells fight oxidation and help reduce inflammation.

Peppermint hydrosol has digestive, anti-inflammatory, and mind-stimulating properties. So it is perfect for bloating or indigestion of all kind. It is effective digestive tract cleanser, having mild antibacterial and anti-fermentatice properties. Topically it combats itching, providing fast relief for allergic reactions, bits, and stings. It is also perfect to use for stiff muscles, aches and pain, sprains and strains. But also for decolletage, spritz the hydrosol on as a toner for a lifting affect. It also calms explosive tempers, balances irritability and transmits clarity. All of the above are the reason I put it in the Mineral Tonic Body Lotion.

Mint in the kitchen:

(Important to note that mint is a herb with medicinal properties and just like other herbs should not be overused, or over-consumed as that can have side-effects.)

Mint has been use in foods and drinks for a long time. So take advantage of its cooling, stimulating properties during the heat of summer and use in salads & drinks. At the moment I have a favourite Mint-Blueberry Smoothie recipe that I like to have as an afternoon pick-me-up in the hot days of this summer. I pick the mint from my garden and I have tried different mints but peppermint and strawberry mint is my favourie for this recipe. I also planted a blueberry bush last year but sadly I have got any fruit from it yet (maybe next summer.) Here is the recipe, I hope you will give it a try:

Mint-Blueberry Summer Smoothie:

mint blueberry summer smoothie

100-125g (1/2-3/4 cup) Fresh blueberry

120-150g (1/2 cup) Greek yoghurt (you can use cococnut yoghurt as well)

125ml (1/2cup) Cold water

1Tbsp Raw honey (of course, I like to use the local raw lavender honey that is also in the Ambrosia Honey Mask)

1 ripe Banana

8-12 fresh Mint leafs (or more or less depend on your taste)

Put everything into the blender and blend until it smooth. You might want to make it in advance, a couple of hours before consuming, as the mint flavour infuses the smoothie even more over time. ;-)

💚🌞💚 Zita


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